The members of the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) Strategies for Preventing and Managing Benthic Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms Team wish to acknowledge the individuals, organizations, and agencies that contributed to this Technical Regulatory Guidance.
As part of the broader ITRC effort, the Strategies for Preventing and Managing Benthic Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms Team’s effort is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The team leaders, Ben Holcomb (Utah Department of Environmental Quality) and Beckye Stanton (California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment), along with the program advisor, Cherri Baysinger (Cymbella Consulting LLC), wish to recognize the efforts of the following individuals who took on leadership roles within the team:
Keith Bouma-Gregson, California State Water Resources Control Board (current affiliation, U.S. Geological Survey)
Ruth Briland, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Kate Fickas, formerly Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Nancy Rice, Minnesota Department of Health
Angela Shambaugh, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, retired
Margaret Spoo-Chupka, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Ann St. Amand, Phycotech
The team would like to thank the following individuals for sharing their time and artistic talent:
D’yani Wood (Utah Department of Environmental Quality), who worked with Keith Bouma-Gregson and Morgan Tarbell to create Figures 1-3 and 1-4.
The team would like to acknowledge the following state team members who provided knowledge, input, time, and writing skills to prepare this document:
Jeff Geraci, California Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board
Carolyn Yee, California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control
Rich Fadness, California North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (R1)
Michael Thomas, California North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (R1)
Beverley Anderson-Abbs, California State Water Resources Control Board
Sarah Erickson, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Tracy Lizotte, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Christopher Main, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Leah Smith, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Xueqing Gao, Florida Department of Health
Elizabeth Booth, Georgia Environmental Protection Division
Jami Delmore, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Brian Reese, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Paul McMurray, Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Elizabeth Smith, Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Elizabeth Perry Thomas, Kentucky Division of Water
Joan Beskenis, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Janet Waldron, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Alex Rafalski, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Robin Chinnery, Michigan Environment, Great Lakes and Energy
Wally Wagaw, Michigan Environment, Great Lakes and Energy
Tracy Lund, Minnesota Department of Health
David Rindal, Minnesota Department of Health
Rebecca Higgins, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Lynn Milberg, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Alan Moreau, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Sarah Seitz, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Richard Sloan, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Jennifer Skjod, North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality
Christina Stringer, New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
Jonathan Ali, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Brandon Kernen, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Amanda McQuaid, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Ann-Elizabeth Pelonzi, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Robert Newby, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Srikanth Paladugu, New Mexico Department of Health
Diana Aranda, New Mexico Environment Department
Jennifer Fullam, New Mexico Environment Department
James Hyde, New York State Department of Health
Morgan Tarbell, New York State Department of Health
Dan Wiltsie, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
David Huffman, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Elizabeth Fensin, North Carolina Division of Water Resources
Yu Liu, North Carolina, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
Heather Husband, North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality
Rebecca Hillwig, Oregon Health Authority
Brian Chalfant, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Emily Bores, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Faith Kibuye, Southern Nevada Water Authority
Jill Csekitz, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Robin Cypher, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Christine Osborne, Utah Department of Environmental Quality
William R. Chapman, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Gina LaLiberte, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Caroline Rice, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
The team would like to recognize the following stakeholders and academic individuals who contributed to the creation of this document:
Clark McWilliams, Star Valley Consulting
Danielle Wain, 7 Lakes Alliance
Rebecca Aicher, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Carol White, Brunswick Area Citizens for a Safe Environment
Mariano Rivara, Centro de Investigación y Asistencia Técnica a la Industria
Ken Gibbons, Great Lakes Commission
Anthea Fredrickson, Lower Colorado River Authority
Thomas Trainor, Town of Sherborn, MA, Groundwater Protection Committee
Kelly Broom, Volunteer
Alan Wilson, Auburn University
Nathan Wilson, Blue Green Labs
Meiyin Wu, Montclair State University
Lirong Zhong, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Greg Boyer, State University New York
Joe Copeland, University of Alabama
Megan Hart, University of Missouri Kansas City
Lance Ford, University of Texas-Austin
Ellen Preece, Washington State University
Susie Wood, Cawthron Institute
The team would like to thank the following local and regional utilities, special districts, and local government employees who shared their knowledge, time, and skills to prepare this document:
Michele Wunderlich, Cayuga County Planning Department
Mateo Scoggins, City of Austin, TX
Ami Latker, City of San Diego
Hunter Adams, City of Wichita Falls
David Donahue, Eugene Water & Electric Board
Susan Fricke, Eugene Water & Electric Board
Christina Davis, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB)
Evan Madden, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council
Shelly Walther, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
Rachael Crabb, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Katelynn Chamberlin, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Jeff Armstrong, Orange County Sanitation District
Canh Nguyen, Orange County Sanitation District
Violet Renick, Orange County Sanitation District
Matt Smith, Orange County Sanitation District
Laura Terriquez, Orange County Sanitation District
Lan Wiborg, Orange County Sanitation District
Jayme Smith, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Brent Bellinger, Watershed Protection Department
The team would like to acknowledge the following team members from tribal governments who shared their knowledge, time, and writing skills to prepare this document:
Nestoria Wright, Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc.
Grant Johnson, Karuk Tribe
The team would like to acknowledge the following team members from the federal government who shared their knowledge, time, and writing skills to prepare this document:
Robyn Henderek, National Park Service
Kurt Carpenter, U.S. Geological Survey
Ramona Darlington Iery, U.S. Department of Defense
Cathleen Forget, U.S. Department of Defense
Ashley Fuentes, U.S. Department of Defense
Rachel Methvin, U.S. Department of Defense
Eric Zimdars, U.S. Department of Defense
Nizanna Bathersfield, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Micah Bennett, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Lesley D’Anglada, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Susanna DeCelles, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Meridith Fry, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mohamed Ghorab, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Regina Klepikow, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
James Lazorchak, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Heath Mash, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Lisa Matthews, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Karissa Montes, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Gary Newhart, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mary Ott, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Paul Randall, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Hilary Snook, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Laura Webb, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Robert Zucker, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency